Download Adeption Insights Series: Mindset growth through leadership development.

One of the biggest challenges leadership development practitioners face is proving the tangible impact and return on investment of development initiatives.

This is particularly true when it comes to areas like mindset growth.

In an effort to close this gap, we’ve analyzed the pre- and post-program vertical mindset stages of hundreds of participants who have completed leadership development programs grounded in vertical development.

Our findings show that the act of completing a vertical leadership development program is a promoter of accelerated mindset growth, in a relatively short period of time. The most significant growth was seen in leaders initially assessing at a mindset stage before ‘Redefining’ with 51.4% of this subgroup elevating to a later higher vertical mindset stage, and 7.1% progressing by two stages.

These findings offer insights that may impact the future of leadership development practices — particularly when considered alongside the possibilities offered by advancements in AI.

Read the full report to explore these insights and possibilities — and be inspired about the potential for your future leadership development initiatives.

Download the full report

Read more about Vertical Development and the Adeption B3 methodology  

Find out more about the Vertical Mindset IndicatorÂ