In a time of rapid disruption, how can we support leaders to be agile and find new solutions to lead their teams forward?

There’s a lot we can learn by looking back to the past… way back to 2OO,OOO years ago. This is when early humans lived in the Serengeti, Africa, learning and adapting to the world around them. In an unpredictable, often threatening environment, people learnt to survive, adapt and thrive by continuously trying new things, cooperating with others, and learning from each other. The modern world may look very different, but evolution runs deep.

Neuroscience tells us that humans continue to learn and operate best in similar conditions to our early ancestors — that is, when we focus on what we need in our current context, deliberately try things (experiment), reflect on what happened, and learn from those around us.

“If we were to design a learning environment that is directly opposed to the fundamental wiring of our brains, we will design a classroom and then design a cubicle!”
– John Medina

In this position paper, Adeption CEO Carl Sanders-Edwards sets out the action-learning approach that Adeption’s ‘Be Conscious, Be Curious, Be Better (B3)’ methodology is built on. Grounded in how humans are wired to learn — while leveraging the benefits of modern knowledge and technology — Adeption’s programs are having an immense impact on leaders and organizations around the world.

Discover how our B3 methodology can empower your leaders with a simple, repeatable framework to stay agile in rapidly changing conditions, and build their way forward — Serengeti-style. 



Want to experience Adeption’s approach to leadership development in action? Get in touch to request access to our new ‘Experience Adeption’ demo.