Be conscious. Be curious. Be better. 

At our core, Adeption is not about technology or methodology. Instead, we are about a community of people. People who are passionate about growth, development, and helping others to be better leaders.  

Nothing demonstrates this better than our Vertical Incubator World Tour. In the past, we’ve attracted some of the biggest companies in Silicon Valley to our Incubators, and 2022 was no different.  Participants joined us from Uber, Google, Masco, Penske, and even universities such as Texas A&M and Melbourne Business School (past attendees were Boeing, Home Depot, and Walmart). This year, the Vertical incubators were hosted by Google HQ in San Francisco, Melbourne Business School in Melbourne, and Fonterra in Auckland. 

We’ve asked some of the participants about their experiences:

Creating practical leadership programs with industry peers 

Alyssa Gasca, Founder of Spark Executive, attended in San Francisco and became an instant fan. 

“Most of my clients who have gone through my training have asked me ‘what’s next?” said Alyssa. “I resonated deeply with what the Incubator is about and fast-tracked the development of my next program.” 

As a leadership and personal development enthusiast, Alyssa not only works with high-value clients in the industry but is a keen life-long learner herself. She knows firsthand what enterprise-level companies look for in terms of leadership development. 

“A lot of the language in coaching, especially transformative and integrative coaching is not accessible. What I really love about the Incubator is that I get to solve real business problems with practical and palatable solutions,” added Alyssa.


Expanding reach and scale with technology 

This year, we piloted inviting non-profit organizations who share our values to participate in the Vertical incubator. Verge Collaborative in Australia was a perfect fit. One of our key missions is to influence a million leaders and Verge’s the Leader’s Way is a great example of amplifying reach. 

Nat Ellis, CEO of Verge Collaborative, talked about their mission “Verge Collaborative is about developing, resourcing and supporting the growing mental health, disability and community services workforce in Australia. Most non-profit organizations do not get the necessary leadership training that other companies get.” 

Their participation in the Incubator allows us to reach other leaders in the well-being and community services space who otherwise would not have the opportunity to get the training elsewhere. 


We are a community

Are participants ready for face-to-face interactions? Turns out, more than being ready, participants are actually craving the interpersonal connection among like-minded people that the Vertical Incubator brings. 

Kanisha Malara, one of Adeption’s Customer Success Managers, witnessed this firsthand. 

“If an Incubator program was a movie, the in-person event was the best climax it could have had. As a participant, I brought to life my 3-year-old idea and actually built a program out of it. And as a part of the Customer Success team, the cherry on the top is to see that all the participants feel the same.” 

“The feedback that we get from most participants is the energy it generates and how much they value being in the same room together, after a couple of years of not being able to engage face-to-face.”

“Networking with elite leaders made this experience full of quality insights and learnings! I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity. Carl, Nick and Jan are truly the finest people I’ve ever come across. So great but so humble,” she added.


A year of firsts

Not only did we see a record number of applicants and attendees at each Incubator event, 2022 is also the first time we combined the APAC and US cohorts.

“It left me left a bit anxious after all the jokes we’ve made at each cohort’s expense. 🤔😂😂🎉,” joked Adeption CEO and Founder, Carl Sanders-Edwards. “But all kidding aside, we’ve recently had alumni connect and we left infected by everyone’s energy after sharing what they have done, learned and been thinking about since our Incubator sessions.” 


2023 World Tour

The 2023 World Tour planning is already underway. Visit the Incubator page to get updates.