The integration of artificial intelligence in leadership development is still in its early stages, with only 24% of professionals currently utilizing AI, according to the LEADx Leadership Development Benchmark Report 2O24.

It’s no surprise the most popular use case is generating content. Content does play a role in development, and AI is a useful way to quickly access ideas or current thinking. However, it’s worth noting that AI-generated content is the mean of models and content that are available on the internet — it’s based on what we already know and current practices. It doesn’t equip people for future ways of working.

Accessing content has never been a constraint for leaders. There are a vast number of articles, videos, and e-learning modules that are readily available. The real challenge lies in how leaders use that information—how they act and apply it in real-world situations, representing true action learning.

The potential for AI and smart technology in leadership is substantial and is starting to grow beyond the early use cases, such as content generation.

Here’s how we’re currently leveraging these advancements:

Developing more people

As work and life become more complex, we need more people thinking and acting like leaders. Development needs to reach not just leaders inside the boardroom, but mid-level managers, teams, and everyone on the frontline. One example of how we’re using AI to scale leadership development is in using it to score the Vertical Mindset Indicator (VMI) assessment — which is then validated by experts. This approach blends the research rigor of adult development theory with emerging technology to help more leaders in organizations access high quality leadership development.

Reports available in real-time

We began integrating VMI assessments into live workshops in 2O23 and have applied this with nearly 2OO leaders to date. By leveraging the speed and efficiency of AI scoring, this approach ensures assessment insights are delivered swiftly, allowing leaders to debrief and plan to apply them in real-time.

Individualizing development

AI enables us to tailor development experiences to meet the unique needs and contexts of each leader. Our platform uses AI to recommend relevant leadership tools and frameworks based on individual responses. It also shares insights from other leaders in the same organization or group who have faced similar challenges, fostering social learning, organizational cultural knowledge, and collective leadership intelligence.

Long term vision

For over a decade, we’ve been developing our digital platform to integrate leadership development into the flow of work, and reach more people. The potential of AI for our industry is immense, especially when the capabilities of digital technology are wrapped around moments of real human connection to create impactful experiences.

The application of AI in service of leaders is just getting started, and we’re excited to be exploring potential ways to create better development journeys. We’re experimenting with ways to:

  • Detect when someone needs support from a human coach
  • Improve leaders’ on-the-job action planning, without being perspective
  • Help coaches and clients target where they can best support leaders.
Responsible use of AI

We’re committed to AI in service of leaders and the organizations we work with. We use it in a responsible, ethical and fair way to benefit our users and in the service of humanity flourishing — not working against it.

Protecting the privacy and security of data is paramount. We’re transparent about how we collect, use, and store data, and we take all practical steps to ensure the security of the data we hold on behalf of our clients and participants. Data at the level of individuals does not leave Adeption.

Want to learn more about our digital platform? Get in touch to request access to our new ‘Experience Adeption’ demo.