Measuring leadership development impact

Have you ever pondered the real worth of leadership development? It’s a hot topic, in fact, the LEADx Leadership Development Benchmark Report 2O24 hit the nail on the head with its title – “Leadership Development Must Prove Its Value in 2O24.” Our industry faces a big challenge to demonstrate solid engagement, measurable outcomes, and ROI, particularly when development programs run for a number of months, with large numbers of participants. 

There are a complex bundle of variables, as complex as leadership development itself. We can’t just count heads and nod at content consumed; this is about human experiences against a backdrop of personal and organizational complexities.

How can we pull together these variables and access meaningful insights?
Insights at your fingertips

At Adeption we’re actively measuring and reporting value using technology to speed up the process and do the heavy lifting of analysis. The Adeption reporting dashboard presents metrics that trace the journey from initial reactions to sustained behavioral change based on participant responses in the Adeption platform. It allows sponsors and program admin to quickly understand:

  • Participant progress.
  • Themes in the actions they’re working through.
  • Where they have found success.
  • What tools they’re finding helpful.
  • Who interacts the most and who could benefit from additional support.

The reporting dashboard can be enabled in organizations using the Adeption platform, reach out to us if you would like more information.


We’re also experimenting with how to leverage the rich journeys that leaders experience to bring the impact of development to life. Our brains are wired to engage with and react to stories. And individual leadership development journeys often provide a compelling illustration of the of value investing in people. Digging into the journey of highly engaged program participants (with their permission) unlocks several opportunities to demonstrate impact:

  • Show a shift From – To behaviors, competencies and capabilities. 
  • Identify clear-cut ROI in real-world tasks springing from planned actions in workshops and digital workouts. 
  • Identify conditions that led to accelerated growth or a ‘turning point’ in development that can be replicated for others.

As we continue to experiment with this mode of exploring ROI, we would like to hear from you. What’s that one metric (quantifiable or not) you’re aiming to elevate within your organization? Do you have any bright ideas for articulating the value of leadership development? Let’s talk about impact, your way. 

Contact us for more information about enabling the dashboard integration for active Adeption experiences in your organization.