Agile development I HR Examiner

Curious about how you can apply short cycle interactions as seen in manufacturing and software to leadership development? And want to know what broccoli has to do with it? Listen to the podcast interview here. 

Talking development I

Connecting with   How do leaders learn? Taking deliberate actions that are aligned with what is important to them and their organizations, and supported by social connections / community. What’s our noble purpose? Democratizing leadership development so...

2 Ways to “Hack” Leadership Development, Silicon Valley-Style

The Leadership Development Hacks We’ve Learned from Developing Leaders in the Tech Industry The technology-driven, risk-infused, growth-obsessed world of Silicon Valley companies is different from the rest of the corporate world, our research has confirmed. We wanted...

B3 I Be Better

‘It is easier to act your way into new ways of thinking than to think your way into new ways of acting” – Various attributions     The third piece of our B3 approach – Be better – focuses on acting, prototyping, experimenting,...